I don't learn as fast as i use to. I blame my stubborn pride.
Well my personal focus is on learning how to add both color and tone(?) to a drawing while reducing the amount of....I don't know what to call it. Line I use to draw with? Yeah...the line i make to form the drawings I wanna see if i can skip over the smaller detail and use color to fill in the blank. I feel stupid spelling it out like this.
Fuck color blindness tho! Now that's frustrating. I see a 3 but I know there is an 8 on there...I hope.
Think of it from my point of view. How can i trust my own eyes to tell me if that is true?
Still trying to learn about color. I think I am getting a bit better at telling which color is which. Last time I tried to make something simple and basic as a tree on a sunny hill ...well the sun is not green and grass is not yellow. 1st time i did that was in kindergarten...well shit, I had pretty intense flashback while thinking about that. People tend to laugh at mistakes. Depend on the mistakes and who it belongs to that make a world difference.
I'll just dump the rest on the pile.
It ain't gonna be easy. But nothing worth having ever is. Good luck, dood!